Saturday, October 30, 2010

1st day of training

Just got back from the gym and an hour of strength training. The trainer I had been seeing moved recently, so now I'm doing it myself and I think I will get better results. Not that he was bad, it's just that we shot the shit a lot while I was working out, and I didn't really focus like I can by myself. It's 40 degrees and soaking wet out, and while I'm not really looking forward to going for a run in this weather, I always love it once I'm out there. Tonight I think I will only do 3 miles, tomorrow I'll jump it up to 5. I had been up to doing 7-9 miles pretty regularly, but hurt my lower back late in the summer and have been taking it easy. I feel fine now, and knowing me I'm going to try and push it; maybe I'll do 6.

Anyway, I am always curious for any advice people have about running, exercise or sports nutrition, so if you got any ideas let me know. I have been reading Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition Guidebook, which is a great intro into some in depth nutrition information, but I'm always interested in what works for other people.

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