Sunday, October 31, 2010

Rest Day

So yesterday I said, presumptuously, that I would be running today. I actually took some to time to build a weekly workout plan, and in the end, Sunday became a good day for recovery. During the week at my job, I am always lifting heavy things, and my muscles never get a chance to recover after a day of strength training. Now that I have taken this into account, Sunday remains the day for me to do nothing, and actually have a real recovery day.

That being said, I was sore as hell today from the gym and the run yesterday. While I was sore for most of the day, I just took it easy around the house, did some stretching, read, and got a workout plan for the week. For tomorrow I am again doing an hour of strength training, and probably 4 miles on a treadmill.

I have also had this feeling for the last few days, like I just graduated from something. The trainer I have been going to has moved and I am now the one making the workouts for myself. I have noticed that it gives me this sense of possibility; that now I get to direct where I am going. I know where that is, and the trainer always seemed to have his own agenda. There was also always this sense of having someone you had to be accountable to for the past year. What I think is funny, is that I am way more demanding as my own trainer, (which is why I was so sore today).

For today, not a lot of physical activity, but that's for the best. Now, it's off to study the sports nutrition book I am reading. I have decided to set aside at least 30 minutes everyday to read about the subject. I do a lot of that online, reading various articles, but I decided to dedicate 30 minutes a day to study a specific topic.

That is all for tonight, and I leave you with a quote, "At this moment there are only two things that concern me, the wall blocking my way, and the weapons I'm going to use to blow it up".

1 comment:

bunchofbeets said...

Nice quote love. That wall better be careful. You should post what your study topics are for each day.

Keep up the great work!