Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bring on the Holidays

Well, so much for my last post. I had thought Thursday I was going to be able to go the gym, do this long workout, tough out my long day at work. Didn't happen. I was at work for 11 1/2 hours, and by the time I was done, I was completely empty, no energy. I came home, had about 2 glasses of wine and fell asleep on the couch at 9:30 dead to the world.

During the next 6 days it's going to be hard to balance work time versus my time. Yesterday even, I worked only 8 hours, but was running all day and lifted literally tons of product, and had to exert every bit of mental energy I had, and I didn't feel like going to the gym. I felt like watching a movie with some friends, eating some pizza,  having good conversation, and getting a little drunk. I needed a break, and if I don't take those nights to just have fun, this next week is going to drive me nuts.

I have to go to work today for a couple hours, and then am working 40 hours between Sunday-Wednesday. I have to make sure to go to the gym each of those days, if only for a while, because, as much responsibility as I have at work, I've got to make time for myself, I don't want to lose an entire week to work.

I am going to write again later today, about how the day was, and how I am going to make up for not exercising and drinking and eating pizza yesterday. I'm going to push myself as hard as possibly today at the gym, as well as walk the 3.5 miles there and back, that should go a long way to make up for my night last night. Anyway, thanks for reading, and I appreciate all the feedback.


NPinMilwaukee said...

You're doing awesome! There is a fine line between being motivated and being hard on yourself - try not to be too hard. If this routine isn't fun for you anymore, there's even less motivation to continue. It is frustrating for sure when work/school get in the way of your gym time - i get resentful when I am trying to balance and eve at the gym vs. the time I need to work on HW. So - make sure you congratulate yourself a lot and think about all the positives you've done. The guilt can ware you down and throw you into a nasty cycle - (i personally enter this one far too often)! Good luck over Thanksgiving - always a HUGE challenge for me. ;)

Graham said...

Oh, it's fun, it's my favorite part of my day. I love a challenge, and now that work is going to get easier for me (they hired me another full time employee), I am going to have more time for myself. Thanks for the warning about the frustration/guilt cycle, I think that is the main thing I am trying to avoid. I am almost putting more energy into a sane mindset, than I am into my workouts. That whole, self defeating vicious cycle, has fucked me up so many times in the past, that I realized this time that first, before the commitment to working out, I had to commit to being sane, and not giving up because I ate Pizza, or didn't go the gym for three days.